Kickstarting our profiling of leaders from our partner agencies around the world in 2024, we interview Pavel Kočiš, the founder of EMC PR, one of oldest and largest agencies in Czechia. 

What inspires you?

Our clients. Their complex, challenging requests which force us to think outside the box.

What are the common misconceptions around doing comms in your market?

That media coverage can be bought by befriending journalist contacts.

What’s the biggest change you’ve seen in PR since you founded your company?

The speed at which public perceptions surrounding social media have shifted, from generally good, to a far more negative space today.

What would you say is your biggest learning from adapting to working during the pandemic?

Home office working can be incredibly successful, so long as your team is disciplined. The need for staff to be in the office every day is now a thing of the past.

What is the biggest impact you have had on a client?

My work with Bob Amsterdam on a European-wide campaign to save Mikhail Khodorkovsky’s life (former-CEO of Yukos) by securing his release from prison.

What direction do you believe is the PR industry headed in?

I asked Chat GPT… and it told me we’ll be running the whole planet soon enough! A promising future for us all 😊

On a serious note, I think that PR professionals will evolve further and further into a consultative role for clients, offering advice and input on a range of services beyond the field of standard media relations communications. We’ve conducted forensic auditing of marketing activities for international clients, and programmed an IVR system for another in recent years. The future looks full of promise for PR!

What are the three biggest things you’ve learned since founding your agency?

Firstly, managing people can be the most difficult job in the world at times. Secondly. always listen, and read between the lines. Finally, it’s possible to successfully negotiate and work alongside people whose opinions, values and overall character are different to your own.

Why is it important to be part of a global network?

Brands2Life Global allows us to provide our clients with highly competent services outside of our market, enabling us to look outside our Czech and European bubbles. What we see is both very inspiring at times, and highly reassuring at other moments.

Name one profile that you follow on social media that really inspires you in your everyday work.

@TitaniaMcGrath – one of the best spin doctors of all time.

EMC PR has worked extensively with Brands2Life Global partners, including on brands such as VMware, Elatec, Fortinet and SAP.